Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Sassy Domina

Sassy today

pictures from 1995-1997

Well my black cat Sassy turned 13 just about today. I have had her since she was a little kitten.
One day in Calgary Alberta, my 8 year old daughter picked her out of a pet store...and SASSY became our forever kitty. Sarah was 8 and it was 1995.
Sassy has seen me through a lot of life and that is when animals become special to us. They are constant, they are always THERE aren't they ? From being a puny kitten, Sassy has "hung in there" for me during my divorce, and migration down to Texas while meowing ferociously during the harrowing 2400 mile U haul ride.
Sassy explored our first apartment in Sugar Land Tx, survived my Dad's house while I took care of my ailing Mom in 97-98; She stuck by me during my dad's last years in 01/02.
Sassy has put up with various additions, especially Ferghie, my himalayan cat and Diamond dog. I will never forget Chester the cat during Sassy's early years, and later on Sonny the cat and Ivory dog who didn't work out in the mix. Sassy has had to tolerate more than enough numerous finches, canaries, doves, lovebirds and parakeets. And of course THE CHICKENS!
Sassy moved out here with me 6 years ago and has been very happy in my cottage. She is still purring along and very healthy! She will move up to Alaska with me next year! We have already moved five times, but she has never been on a plane.
Sassy is feisty and dominant over my dog Diamond, and she wins every battle and won't take any shit from anybody!