Friday, November 24, 2006

my finches

my mom and dad finch had babies. These 2 babies are about 2 weeks old and will leave the security of the nest in about a week.


Margie said...

They are so precious!


Pat Paulk said...

Beautiful!!! Love my birds.

floots said...

nice one
i think they are what we call zebra finches in UK
my dad used to keep them and various other birds when i was a kid

NINANINA said...

yes they are zebra finches.. the most pretty and INexpensive! I used to have all kinds of birds, canaries, diamond doves and other more exotic finches... I built an aviary yesterday - so my bird family will be able to grow!

Anonymous said...

gorgeous! Aaawhh.... And by the way: Welcome back!! So glad you are here!

Didn't check your blog so much, cause I didn't think you were here...


Anonymous said...

Very cool. I've become a sort of birder myself. We get a lot of cool ones upstate. I saw a Kingfisher this morning while I was kayaking

Anonymous said...

I had a couple of zebra finches. They're so sweet! My sister inherited them though..traded me a hermit crab for them. lol

NINANINA said...

truvey just gave me 2 society finches for my B day. So I built a bigger aviary. such sweet tweetings in my home!