Monday, August 27, 2007

Opossum queen: Texas trapper :)

I caught this little booger last night. Poor thing had some nose injury from trying to get out of the trap. It not the same one as last time. Very young, almost cute. I think I have a colony under my house.
Main Entry:
Inflected Form(s):
plural opossums also opossum
earlier apossoun, opassom, Virginia Algonquian, from Algonquian *wa·p- white + *-aʔθemw- dog
1: any of a family (Didelphidae) of American marsupials that usually have a pointed snout and prehensile tail; especially : a common omnivorous largely nocturnal mammal (Didelphis virginiana) of North America that has grayish to blackish fur with white on the cheeks and is an expert climber2: any of several Australian phalangers


Monsoon said...

Oh gee, imagine having them things in my garden. I'd die of a panic attack for sure. They look a bit cute, but scary too.

I hope you are well my dear!

Love Eilen

Pat Paulk said...

Mostly see those on the roads around here. I don't think they make good pets. But, what do I know I'm just an old city boy.

NINANINA said...

yeah this was babyu. poor thing. at this point I don't mind them under my house, they are not chewing my wires and the eat rats plus its better than seeing them squashed on the roads. Our human environment keeps growing and no room for these poor wild animals I would definitely try eating possum stew if someone would cook it for me ! Apparently, possums get BIG! this little guy looks like he was SMILING at me but he was scared stiff and wouldn't move for over 10 minutes. When they are scared they FREZZE. That's why in Texas, you are "playing possum" when you stay very still and don't move. cute little guy.